Shults Farm — CNY Regional Market

Shults Farm

Saturday Farmers Market, May-October: F-Shed
Saturday Farmers Market, November & December : F-Shed

Saturday Farmers Market, January-April : A-Shed

Products: Pasture raised meats, produce, dairy products.

MEAT the Shults Family 🥩 Grandparents of David Shults (pictured), Mary & Everette Heister purchased the @shultsfarm three generations ago. Still operating today along with their children and grandchildren, the Shults family farm is a produce and pastured-meat raising operation.

They are home to over 50 beef cows, 100 pigs, and 1200 chickens, 250 turkeys, and 40 egg laying chickens.

Their multiple greenhouses are filled with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and acres of field crops include broccoli, squashes, zucchini, kale, peppers, pumpkins, gourds, fall squashes, and sweet corn.

Vending at the Market for the past 9 years, their family and farm is ever growing. Dave is not just the son of a farmer but is clearly a lifelong learner with fierce entrepreneurial spirit. After one conversation with him, you'll understand he has a deep passion for farming and continuously strives to implement best practices in agriculture.

CNY Regional Market